Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Wonderful Birthday Present!

My dear sweet husband gave me an airplane ticket to Indiana for my birthday. My daughter moved there in May and her husband is working on his Masters at Purdue. They bought a house and have been doing some painting and repairs, so I went out to help them with their children, Hayden and Halle. I had a wonderful time. It took Halle a little while to warm up to me, but by the time I left, she was smiling and playing with me. She even went to sleep in my arms at church. I took lots of pictures and videos. Here are just a few.
Reading bedtime stories the first night I was there...

Visiting the Purdue campus...

Halle's learning how to crawl.

Hayden and his new dog. (A house warning gift from Grandma)...He loved it.

That's it for now. I'll post more later...

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